Powered by Physics
Classroom Tools
200 6th-grade students at Andover Central Middle School
Kelsey Potter
We are requesting physics demonstration equipment to enhance learning and increase student engagement. Physics concepts are much more abstract and bringing real-world examples to the classroom will be imperative to student mastery of standards. Seeing and experiencing phenomena is more effective than simply reading examples from the textbook.
The Magnetic Field Viewing Cube is a striking new way for students to observe magnetic field lines - in 3D! Even students who have seen magnetic fields demonstrated on a two-dimensional plane will be fascinated. Save yourself the mess of loose iron filings with this sealed, transparent acrylic box. Simply shake the oil-filled cube, drop the cylindrical magnet (included) into the center compartment, and watch the iron filings respond to the magnet's presence. Durable enough to allow students to handle individually or use it with an overhead projector to share with a large group. Countless opportunities for experimenting with variables.