Improve the Tune
2022 - 2023
Classroom Tools
All Andover Central Middle School Orchestra members
Kathy House
I am requesting the purchase of 50 D’Addario Tuners and extra batteries for my middle school classroom. I would like to create a tuning station for my students to utilize daily. To teach students to tune themselves and perform more in tune, these 50 D’Addario LED screen tuners will raise their pitch awareness. I plan to create a tuning station that students will utilize daily. This will allow my students to tune their open strings independently at the beginning of class and warm up on their own. It will allow me to be able to freely move about the room, take attendance, do check-ins with students, and help students get ready for class. For the 2nd and 3rd year classes, we will use the tuners throughout instruction to raise students’ awareness of how in tune they are while performing a piece of music.